Please refer to the Pololu website for detailed description, drivers and manuals.
Pololu Maestro configuration with Prosim 737:
1. Install drives and Maestro Control Center
2. Connect USB cable
3. Verify Device Manager
4. Connect servos and 5V power
5. Open Maestro Control Center
6. Enable approprieate channels
7. Verify servos operation by moving sliders
8. Go to Acceleration tab
9. Set acceleration to 1
10. Click Apply Settings and close program
All (10) B737 gauges can be controlled by a single Mini Maestro 12- Channel USB placed in the OVH panel. This setup however would require very long extensions for the Brake Press and Flaps servos. Other option is to use 2 separate controllers: 6 ch in the MIP and 12 ch in the OVH. Not utilized ports can be used as digital inputs/outputs.
11. Start Prosim 737
12. Open Configuration/Drivers
13. Enable Pololu support
14. Go to Gauges tab
15. Scroll down to apropprieate gauge
16. Choose controller from the first dropdown list
17. Choose channel gauge is connected to
18. Configure sliders and hit OK
19. Test under Flight Simulator - make corrections
if required
Open Cockpit controller users:
OC servo card requires pinout change per page 4 of the manual.
DO NOT change pinout at the servo plug if the backlight is powered through the included servo splitter !
Change pinout at the main servo splitter plug only !
Pololu servo controllers
Controller channels required per B737 gauge:
Brake Press 1
Flaps 1
Cabin Temp 1
Cabin Climb 1
Fuel Temp 1
Oxy Press 1
Valve 1
Duct Press 2
Diff Press 2
Backlight can also be powered from the controller ports through the included splitter cable.